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Plates can be ordered on our website or by email; we do not accept plate orders by fax.
To submit a plate order on our website, go to https://www.idtdna.com/pages/products/custom-dna-rna/dna-oligos/custom-dna-oligos, and select the "Plates" option under the ordering tab. Choosing the "Order" option relative to the scale and plate size you want will take you to an entry page. You will be able to paste your plate sequences in or upload an Excel file using the "Upload Plate(s)" option. You will need to indicate your plate specifications by following the steps in the ordering process.
We offer both 96- and 384-well plates in the following plate types: Deep Well, V-bottom, and PCR. Matrix plates are also available for an additional fee. Oligos can be normalized to a specific yield, volume, and concentration at no extra charge.
To order your plates by email, go to https://www.idtdna.com/pages/support/how-to-order to download our plate order form to fill out. Once done, you can contact us.